Let the future tell the truth and evaluate each one according to his work and accomplishments. The present is theirs; the future, for which I really worked, is mine. (Nikola Tesla)


● Alt Code Characters

You can type alternative characters which are not available in your current keyboard layout on a computer running Windows OS. By using the Alt key, you can enter any alt code which belongs to desired characterwith the keyboard's numeric keypad. Now, I will explain how you can do it:

1. Because of using the keyboard's numeric keypad, you should have your "Num Lock" opened.
2. You should press and hold down the "Alt" key.
3. Then, you should type the code which belongs to desired character.

For instance;

If we want to type symbol of degree sign (°), we should do the following.
The code for symbol of degree sign is ALT 248. So, we should press and hold down the "Alt" key. Then, type 248 using the numeric keypad. As you see, you will get the symbol of degree sign °.
